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Driving Me Crazy

This is the time of the year when one starts listing the highlights and low points, the crests and troughs experienced in the year gone by. My biggest achievement has been surviving a year of driving around in Gurgaon. Though I have lived in this part of the world for about 8 years, I could never summon the courage to get behind the steering wheel. We were a single car family – either I didn’t have access to the car at all or it came to me with the driver which kept me safely in the backseat. This January , we upgraded ourselves to full- fledged Gurgaonites and got a second car-Mine.

Now, people who drive nonchalantly around in SUVs that look like armored tanks while talking on mobile phones and listening to ear blasting music, might think that there is nothing to it. But I hadn’t driven a vehicle in 15 years. My driving skills had rusted and confidence was at an all time low. The husband volunteered a couple of Sundays to help me brush up my driving

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